Architect GP

Where did the idea come from?

About a year ago (at time of writing) I read this blog post by Sarah Hobday-North of the Value Architects Group in Melbourne and the paragraph below just went 'pop' in my brain. She perfectly distilled the way I had been working for decades into a snappy, instantly-understandable title. So I contacted her and asked her permission to use it for my own little practice and (being the champ she is) she immediately agreed. I like to think that the practice and way of thinking and title will spread...

'Thanks to my years in the back office of my mum and step-dad’s practice I have learned technical skills, gained understanding of regulations and the principles of detailing, for example, that help my clients. Thanks Neville. It is since leaving the back office that I’ve learned that architects can have customers, as well as clients. It is since leaving the back office that I’ve been able to create a new kind of practice that allows practically anyone to access architectural expertise. Think of me as your architect friend who loves having their brain picked and answering your most pressing questions. Think of me as your architect GP.'